Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Invasion

Day 3 of 7- Poetry

Imagine an invasion of privacy of particles that were never intended to meet.
As they settle into a comfortable place, they decide to multiply each and every day
No regards to the harm it will cause when the constant doubling forms into a harmful ball
Some will warn you of whats going on inside, while some will find a spot, settle into and hide
How would feel and what would you do, if you found out a cancerous tumor had grown inside of you?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Best Friend

Its Day 2 of the 7 Day Challenge and I feel it in my soul to introduce you to my best friend. Nowadays people use the term lightly. Heck at times I do. But today I'm referring to my Lord and Savior. My purpose is not to get all spiritual on everybody, thats not my point, but I just want to let you know why he is who he is to me. I can tell him any and everything, well he knows me so well he already knows all things I think, feel and do. I can call on him anytime and anywhere. In times of need, frustration, sadness, happiness and most importantly thankfullness. From the moment I truly knew him, I've realized that although I wasn't mentally or spiritualy prepared, he has waited patiently and stood by my side day and night-through good times and bad. He heres my cries, he listens and answers. He is the perfect best friend unlike you and me and our imperfect friendships we extend to one another. While I and Imperfectly Perfect, he remains Perfect now and forever more. Muah!